Chrysocolla is similar to chrysoprase. The name chrysoprase (rhymes with bliss and craze) is from a Greek word meaning Golden Leek. It is the rarest of the chalcedony group of gem quartzes and its bright even color and texture is ideal for beads.
Chrysocolla is a beautiful stone of peace, a member of the quartz family. It brings wisdom and direction, and is used to attract love.
American Indians used chrysocolla to strengthen the body's resistance and bring calm feelings where there is upset. It promotes level headedness, encouraging clear thought and a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used against nervousness, irritability, infections, and cools fevers.
Some say if you place a piece of chrysocolla in your hand, or in a red or pink container half filled with water and three roses, while visualizing a love being attracted to you: your love will come!