Norwich MrBead Bead Shows
String & Loose
Bead & Pearls
Supplies, Plus
Handcrafted Jewellery
Designed By
The Bead Queen
Sunday 14th June 2020 - Posponed
For Next Year Click
2021 Bead
Sunday 11th October 2020
11am to 4pm
Best Western George Hotel
Arlington Lane, Newmarket Road
Norwich, Norfolk, East Anglia NR2 2DA
10-minutes from City Centre
Many new beads just arrived in the UK in May from our 30-box 700km shipment.
Free admission, free gifts, and free refreshments to early visitors!
All bead fairs we'll be at in 2020
For our bead & pearl supplies:
To relax by the river, stay at Bure Cottage, Wroxham:
The George Hotel is close to the excellent new Chapelfield Shopping Centre, which is open Sunday from 11am to 5pm.
The George is at the intersection of the A11 (Newmarket Road) and A140 (inner ring road) follow the A11 towards Norwich City Centre. Take the third left - the hotel is immediately on the right. If you do get lost, call the hotel at 01603 617841
For the MrBead Bead Store click here